A2 - Short Film

Monday 7 March 2011

Evaluation Question 4


How did you use new technologies in the research, construction and planning stages?

We had access to new technologies throughout every stage of the production process. With the Cannon cameras, and the Adobe Premier Pro. We were lucky to have these technologies available to us, this allowed to conduct research to help construct our film together. Then ultimately market it in a presentable manner. The internet was the biggest technology we came across, this allows you to instantly search anywhere in the world, for ANYTHING! This was vital in our pre research about the different comedy genres, we used the internet for everything in our pre production, as well as different editing transitions and phases we could use in the post production. We used ‘Youtube’ in our research for short films, and editing, searching at Charlie Chaplin and his style.
Instead of having to read through books or magazines, I used ‘Google’ for researching famous short film makers, or short films, I found the information I was looking for straight away, and even other pieces of information which was also relevant. Search engines like Google have meant we can research saving time and money. We also got some of our soundtracks from the internet from ‘London Grid’, this gave me thousands of free songs to choose from. This saved me a lot of time, and hassle.
Our blogs were another example of technology we used during our production process. We have been using the blogs since the beginning of year 12. We were given different dealines throughout the production process. Our blogs were how we kept up with these, understanding and doing our work on here. Our blogs are there to show our development over time, in each of our different phases. It helped us stay organised with the work, keeping them in all the same place.
Again, like with year 12, we used to same filming equipment. It took a while to get use to all of these different sections again, however once it came to filming day we were very confident in controlling and creating our filming.
Our equipment was light and very easy to set up and move around our sets, having such good equipment to work with made our film even easier to work, it allowed us to move the camera around freely due to its lightweight frame, and also finding new angles were very easy because of this.
The software we used for editing was very professional, we used Adobe Premier Pro this helped our film come along leaps and bounds during the post production. Using this software allowed use to incorporate several transitions and fades into our film. Like in our opening sequence we spited our screen, this was to show she similarities and differences between our two characters. We also speeded up our sequence during the Scooby Doo scene, this was to make the characters look like their were going faster. We used the Lacie Drive while editing. The Lacie Drive is a portable hard drive which allowed you to store our film onto it. With this being potatble we were not restricted to one computer, so if someone was editing on the same computer this would cause problems, however due to this new technology this was never the case. Overall, the new technology we used, was the difference in the quality of our films compared to previous projects.

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